Providing Exceptional Orthodontic Care

We make Smiles

We Love Our Patients

patient portraits shoe orthodontics hanover pa 2022 43 pp 10x10 widepatient portraits shoe orthodontics hanover pa 2022 33 pp 10x10 widepatient portrait shoe orthodontics older croppatient portraits shoe orthodontics hanover pa 2022 23 pp 10x10 widepatient portraits shoe orthodontics hanover pa 2022 30 squarepatient portraits shoe orthodontics hanover pa 2022 44 pp 10x10 widepatient portraits shoe orthodontics hanover pa 2022 42 pp 10x10 widepatient portraits shoe orthodontics hanover pa 2022 27 pp 10x10 wide

We Care Beyond Just Straight Teeth

It’s rare that you meet a team who loves to come to work every day. We love it because we love getting to know our patients, and we work hard at doing it. It is one of our biggest sources of pride!

We love this community! We’re a part of the community here in Hanover, PA, and we believe it's vital to provide the best service we can to every member of our community who comes through our doors. We want to make your experience about much more than just straightening teeth.

Meet Our Team
team candids shoe orthodontics hanover pa reisterstown md 2022 112
patient candids shoe orthodontics hanover pa reisterstown md 2022 151

Want To Share your experience? 

Our goal is to make your experience here fun, relaxing, and rewarding. We get to know you and your goals, and we work hard to help you meet those goals. 

So how are we doing? We want to hear what you think of us! We love to hear about your experiences at Shoe Orthodontics, and we hope you've enjoyed them so much that you want to share them with others. If so, leave us a review below! 

Review Hanover OfficeReview Reisterstown Office
"The reason that I'm an orthodontist is because of how valuable braces were to me. And the great thing is I get a constant reminder because I'm seeing it in our patients. I'm seeing those patients who don't smile when they first come through the door to being in tears when they first see their smile after."
Dr. Jason Shoe
Meet Our Doctor
Online Smile Assessment
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