First Visit? Top Questions to Ask Your Orthodontist

Your first visit to the orthodontist can seem intimidating, but Shoe Orthodontics wants you to feel comfortable and welcome. You may wonder what to expect and what questions to ask your orthodontist. 

We're happy to answer your questions. Here are some common ones to ask an orthodontist. Here are a few things you need to know from an orthodontist.

What to Expect on Your Consultation

What can you expect on your first visit to an orthodontist? When you visit our Hanover, PA or Reisterstown, MD office, our team will greet you and give you a tour.

You'll get a full exam to identify your dental issues, and we'll provide a treatment plan. You’ll meet Dr. Shoe and hear how he will help you or your child get the smile of your dreams. Finally, we’ll discuss financing options for your braces or clear aligners treatment. 

To save time, you can fill out new patient forms before your first appointment. Just download them and fill them out at your convenience, then bring them with you for your first visit. 

What to Ask on Your First Orthodontics Visit

You probably have a dozen questions, but you may not remember them once you arrive. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of some of the most common questions for orthodontists. We hope these will give you an idea of what to expect from Shoe Orthodontics. 

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How Much Do Braces Cost?

The cost of braces or clear aligners depends on the type and severity of your dental issues. Mild cases will be a less expensive fix than severe cases. We will give you a cost estimate when we provide your treatment plan. 

Are There Different Types of Braces?

We have metal and clear braces. Clear braces are faster and less noticeable, blending in with your teeth. We also offer Angel clear aligners, which do the work of braces while being nearly invisible on the teeth.

How Long Will Treatment Last?

How long you wear braces or clear aligners depends on how many and how severe your orthodontic issues are. In general, braces treatment lasts from 12-24 months, and clear aligners take about 9-15 months. We’ll discuss all of the details during your consultation!

Can I Play Sports With Braces? 

We love sports, and we love encouraging our patients to play sports! We ask that our braces patients wear a mouthguard for any sport involving human contact or flying objects, such as balls or pucks. A mouthguard can prevent injury and damage to your teeth and braces.

Am I Too Old for Braces?

You’re never too old for braces! More than a quarter of today’s orthodontic patients are adults. We love treating adult patients as much as children. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Clear Aligners?

We can tell if you’re a good candidate for Angel clear aligners after your initial examination. Clear aligners can fix most dental issues today, so there is a good chance you could be a candidate! 

How Much Pain Will There Be? 

Orthodontic treatment may cause discomfort at the beginning and during adjustments or changing aligner trays. Any pain should disappear after a few days. For the most part, you’ll probably forget you’re wearing braces or clear aligners. 

Do I Need to Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed Before Braces? 

We try not to extract teeth before treatment unless absolutely necessary. This includes your wisdom teeth, which likely won’t move your teeth much anyway. We will inform you if any teeth need to be removed before getting braces. In most cases, you will keep all your teeth unless they are very crowded. 

Do You Have Emergency Visits for Broken Brackets?

Contact us if you have emergencies with your braces or aligners, like a broken bracket, wire, or lost tray. Depending on the severity of the emergency, we will bring you in right away or make sure we see you soon after. But we will be here to offer advice in an orthodontic emergency. 

Will I Have to Wear a Retainer?

Yes, you must wear a retainer once your braces or clear aligners treatment is finished. Your teeth have spent months moving, and a retainer holds them in place while your jaw sets. You'll wear your retainer for 22 hours a day at first. After a few months, you can usually switch to wearing it only overnight.

First Visit to Orthodontist in Hanover, PASchedule an appointment with Shoe Orthodontics to get started on your treatment with braces or clear aligners. Bring your questions! We’re ready to answer them, and we’re ready to welcome you into the Shoe Orthodontics family!

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