Hero Helper Challenge

The Hero Helper Challenge is a virtual race designed for people of all ages and running experience to log some miles, compete (if you want to!), and support a great cause– all at the same time. For starters– and finishers, 😜 a virtual race can be run anytime, anywhere (including a treadmill).

This format lets you get involved whether you’ve never run a race before, you are an experienced runner training for your next PR when traditional racing resumes, or anywhere in between.

Children and adults are welcome to participate! Regardless of the level you select, you will contribute to a great cause! 

We genuinely believe that heroes exist in all walks of life, and by helping those heroes, we also become heroes.

The Details–

Anyone can Participate!

This virtual race allows you to log miles anytime, anywhere, as long as that anytime is between Monday, April 20th, 2020, and Sunday, May 31st, 2020.

Please Note: Registration must be completed by May 1st to participate.

Early riser? No problem! Want to run at midnight? No problem! Want to run a little every day or all in one day? No problem! Just be safe and practice social distancing guidelines! 

How Does This Work?

You can WALK the miles; you can RUN the miles. It doesn’t matter; your only real competition is you! We offer three challenge levels: 26.2 miles, 50, and 100 miles. You do not need to designate your challenge level when registering. Our challenge is to start with 26.2 and see how many more you can go!

We will total your miles as you go. When you complete at least 26.2 miles, you will receive a Hero Helper Medal. Kids who participate will get a Medal, and a Cape made just for them when they complete any of the three challenge levels!


Anywhere in the USA! Run on the road, trails, treadmill... you can run in circles in your backyard if you choose! As long as you can log the miles (and you aren’t violating any laws), we’ll count them!

Let’s work together to make a difference in our community and improve our health while at home!

Where Is My Donation Going?

With the outbreak of COVID-19, we want to help the heroes fighting every day to save lives and our neighbors who have been affected by the drastic and sudden loss of household income. Your registration proceeds and any additional donations will specifically benefit healthcare workers, first responders, and food banks, all while helping local restaurants stay afloat during these unprecedented times.

We will accomplish this by providing half of all proceeds to specific local restaurants that will use the funds to prepare warm meals for our first responders and healthcare workers. The other half of the proceeds will be donated to local food banks. As you can imagine, food banks are under extreme demand as unemployment has skyrocketed from COVID-19-related business closures.

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