Smiles For A Lifetime Foundation

At Shoe Orthodontics, we believe in giving back.

That’s why we are active participants in the Smile For A Lifetime Foundation. Smile For A Lifetime aims to improve the experience of children in our community by building self-confidence and offering hope. The gift of a smile can make this possible for someone who might not otherwise have the opportunity without financial help.

How are we making a difference in OUR community and beyond?

Our goal at Shoe Orthodontics is to serve at least six people in our community each year. At present, there are 165 chapters in 45 states throughout North America. Each chapter aims to serve at least six young people, ages 11-18, every year. More than 1,200 young people have already benefited from the $6 million in orthodontic services that have been donated so far.

How can you make a difference?

The Smile For A Lifetime Foundation helps orthodontists have the resources they need to develop a local Board of Directors that will choose each patient for orthodontic treatment.

If you would like to nominate someone for this program, or you are interested in this program for your child, please contact Monica at our office:

The online application can be found here.

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